
Discover SYFfood’s Kosher Sweets

  1. What is Kosher?

Definition and Origin
Kosher (Hebrew: כָּשֵׁר, pronounced “ka-sher”) refers to food and drink that complies with Jewish dietary laws. Kosher literally means “fit” or “suitable” and is used to describe foods that are suitable for Jewish consumption. These dietary laws are not just about the type of food, but also about the origin, preparation, and processing of the food.

Basic Kosher Rules
Meat: Only meat from ruminant animals (such as cattle, sheep, and deer) can be eaten, and these animals must have cloven hooves. In addition, these animals must be slaughtered according to Jewish regulations.
Poultry: Poultry that can be eaten include chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. Birds of prey cannot be eaten.
Fish: Only fish with scales and fins, such as salmon and tuna, can be eaten. Seafood without scales and fins, such as shrimp, crabs, and shellfish, is prohibited.

Animals must be slaughtered by a certified butcher (Shochet) in a specific religious method to ensure that the animal’s suffering is minimized.

Meat and dairy products cannot be eaten in the same meal, nor can the same set of tableware and cooking utensils be used.

A certain period of time is usually required between eating meat and dairy products.

Insects and reptiles are prohibited.

Only wine and other grape products produced under Jewish supervision are considered kosher.

Processed foods need to be certified by Jewish religious institutions to ensure that all ingredients and processing procedures comply with kosher regulations.

The origin of Kosher in Judaism
The origin of Kosher regulations can be traced back to the Jewish Bible and Talmud. In the Bible, Leviticus and Deuteronomy list in detail which foods are edible and which are not, as well as the related slaughtering and preparation methods. These regulations are considered to be instructions from God, and following them is an important part of Jewish belief and lifestyle.

In the Talmud, these regulations were further explained and refined, forming a complete set of complex dietary rules. These rules involve not only the selection of food, but also the way food is handled, cooked and eaten.

For food manufacturers, obtaining Kosher certification is not only a guarantee of product quality, but also an important way to respect and serve Jewish consumers.

2.SYFfood’s Kosher Products

Raw Material Selection
All raw materials used to make Kosher candies must meet Kosher standards. We work with Kosher-certified suppliers to ensure that every ingredient is strictly screened and certified. For example, the sugar and glucose syrup we use are purchased from Kosher-certified suppliers.

Cleaning and separation of production equipment
Before production begins, all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to ensure that there are no residues that do not meet Kosher standards. Our production facilities follow a strict cleaning process, including the use of specialized detergents and hot water rinses.

Production line separation
In order to avoid cross contamination, the equipment and production lines for the production of Kosher candies are specially separated. The production lines for dairy and meat products are completely isolated to ensure the purity of Kosher candies and compliance with Kosher regulations.

Rabbi Supervision
Throughout the production process, we invite a certified Rabbi (Jewish Rabbi) or Mashgiach (supervisor) to supervise the production process. They will check the handling of raw materials, the cleaning of equipment, and the operation of the production line to ensure that all steps meet Kosher standards.

Processing and Packaging
During the processing, we use advanced equipment and technology to ensure the quality and taste of each candy. After production, the candy will be packaged immediately. The packaging materials must also meet Kosher standards and be certified to avoid any cross contamination.

Certification Mark
After packaging, each package of Kosher candy will be marked with a Kosher certification mark. These marks are provided by the Kosher certification agencies we cooperate with, such as OU (Orthodox Union), Kof-K or Star-K. These marks are not only a guarantee of quality, but also a source of confidence for consumers to choose.

Regular Audits and Continuous Improvement
After obtaining Kosher certification, we are regularly audited and inspected by Kosher certification agencies to ensure that our production process continues to meet Kosher standards. We also continuously improve our production processes, improve product quality, and meet consumer needs.

SYFfood’s Kosher product line, which currently includes hard candies, licorice candies and jellies, has undergone strict Kosher certification to ensure that each product complies with Jewish dietary laws. We are committed to providing high-quality Kosher candy manufacturing for consumers around the world.

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